
Matthew 21:22 “And whatever you ask for in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith”.

Luke 10:19 “ I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing will in any way harm you”.

At Kingdom Keys we believe in the power of prayer because we see its incredible results in every aspect of our lives. We are in awe of the way God moves and give Him the glory for the many miracles we see.

Jason and Sarah are equipped for prayer, healing and deliverance ministry by the Holy Spirit, and have many testimonies of the way Jesus heals, delivers and sets people free. They are also powerful intercessors operating in the seeing & prophetic gifts and love to see people’s personal lives and businesses turn around with incredible results. Sarah is built to warfare and operates in authority with the seer gift that often astounds people. Jason has a mantle of wisdom and prophetic insight and they minister together.

Contact us for individual and couples prayer or check out our ‘Itinerary’ page for group events.

Business Prayer

We are passionate to see you succeed in life and business, and firmly believe that Kingdom businesses and Kingdom employees should demonstrate supernatural results – for God’s glory and for the good of the people around us.
Business Prayer is available to all businesses at your place of business, for businessowners/employees and anyone who wants to see businesses succeed. Use the Contact Us link to reach out and request a time.

Contact Details


E: kingdomkeys222@gmail.com

0406 072 735

BSB: 084-801
Acc: 85-857-2827