About Us


Kingdom Keys is a mantle, a promise from the Lord that He has entrusted to us to steward His Kingdom here on earth.


Sarah & Jason

Sarah & Jason

Kingdom Keys is focused on training, activating and equipping. For anyone to truly follow their mission, they need to release their fears. We walk the path of God's will God's way allowing the abundance of the Lord (John 10:10) to flow in us and through us to overflowing.

Sarah has an empowering assignment on her life and as a Holy Spirit conduit can help you receive the truth of who you are in Christ and brings her experience of health and healing with a clear focus on “Healing, Deliverance & Freedom”.
Jason has a corporate background where his prime focus has been on developing people to their potential. Now he is using his twenty years’ experience, and over a thousand coaching and training sessions, to fulfil his assignment. Jason’s success in the corporate sector has given him the experience to help you keep your life in motion so that you feel the protection and presence of the Lord in all you do. Jason and Sarah are following a vision and are passionate about creating an environment for God’s Kingdom to flourish here on earth. 

Sarah & Jason have burning hearts of love for others.



Jason and Sarah are on the path that has been laid before them and invite you to come and join them.



Contact Details


E: kingdomkeys222@gmail.com

0406 072 735

BSB: 084-801
Acc: 85-857-2827